Guns and God
Conversations about places where faith and politics overlap, with particular interest in extremism and violence. Run by the Centre for the Study of Bible and Violence www.csbvbristol.org.uk. Meet our hosting team. Helen Paynter is a Baptist minister and biblical specialist, and director of the Centre for the Study of Bible and Violence. Matthew Feldman is an expert on the radical right and director of the Centre for the Analysis of the Radical Right, although he speaks here in a private capacity. Maria Power is a Catholic social historian and an expert on peace-making initiatives in Northern Ireland. She is director of the Human Dignity Project at the Las Casas Institute, Oxford and research associate at the Centre for the Study of Bible and Violence. Michael Spalione is a political theologian and research associate at the Centre for the Study of Bible and Violence. We usually have an invited guest. Conversations focus on a diverse range of topics, such as antisemitism, the myth of redemptive violence, BLM, Islamism, and MAGA. Music at the beginning and end of each episode was from "Pride Cometh", used by kind permission of FALL Hardcore.
Podcasting since 2020 • 24 episodes
Guns and God
Latest Episodes
The book of Revelation and violence ancient and modern - with guest Simon Woodman
In this episode, Helen speaks with Revd Dr Simon Woodman. Simon is minister at Bloomsbury Baptist Church London, and formerly New Testament lecturer at Cardiff University. He is the author of a number of books and articles including two which a...

Modern appropriation of the book of Joshua - with guest Rachel Havrelock
In this episode, Helen speaks with Dr Rachel Havrelock about her new book The Joshua Generation: Israeli Occupation and the Bible. Rachel is

Baptists Across Europe - challenges and priorities. With guest Tony Peck
In this episode Helen talks with Revd Anthony Peck, General Secretary of the European Baptist Federation. In the light of current challenges such as migration, the Crimean conflict, and the rise of far ri...